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“The solution to the existing problems is the need for the application of Information Technology in the employee performance appraisal mechanism, so that an innovative idea for an employee daily performance appraisal system emerges according to the needs of PLN UID Lampung.

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In addition, the results of monitoring can also be used as consideration for the leadership of PLN UID Lampung in evaluating and following up on employee performance. In fact, daily performance reports from employees are very important for agencies so that they can continue to develop and improve agency performance. said that innovation ideas emerged and were created based on the problems found in PLN UID Lampung, where there was no daily performance monitoring/monitoring mechanism for PLN UID Lampung employees. Lecturer at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, Andi Nurkholis, M.Kom. The system was developed by students in teams, so they can collaborate to complete the system effectively and efficiently for two months.

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The work was developed based on the problems encountered in the agency while students were carrying out Field Work Practices. Recently, students of the Information Technology and S1 Informatics Study Program created an innovative work in the form of an Employee Performance Monitoring System at PLN UID Lampung. Through Field Work Practices, especially students of the Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science (FTIK) Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia can also act as a problem solver who is able to create technology-based innovations to solve problems that exist in society. Practice aims to apply the knowledge that has been gained while studying at Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia, so that students are able to develop their expertise more broadly based on real problems.

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Field Work Practice is one of the mandatory requirements for students to complete lectures at ASEAN’s Best Private University Universitas Teknokrat Indonesia.

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